Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beautiful Butterfly Bush!

There are lots of Buddleia, or Butterfly Bush, here at Warner's. They are butterfly magnets and wonderfully fragrant. So many colors and sizes to choose from! Buddleia are easy-care, fast-growing semi-shrubs which thrive in full sun locations.

Seen here in the photo is pretty much a constant at the nursery: adult swallowtails feeding on the often 6" long flower panicles of Butterfly Bush. Some of our strong and sturdy butterfly bush can have close to 30 blooms at one time!!

Buddleia are a must have for a sunny location in your yard...especially if you have nature-loving children interested in butterfly and bird-watching. It is so fun to learn about the different butterfly species in Connecticut and to see how they feed. Planting dill, fennel or parsley nearby is helpful in providing an important food source for butterfly larvae, which like to feed on such plants. Be careful before picking 'caterpillars' off of your herbs, sometimes they are butterfly larvae!!

A great resource for butterfly information is the Connecticut Butterfly Association. Check out there website at, where you can download a Connecticut butterfly checklist. This non-profit organization promotes the awareness and appreciation of butterflies and moths. They also encourage the presence of butterfly and moth habitat. For only $15 you can become a member!!

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